In October 2019, prosecutors in Los Angeles rejected a sexual battery case because the accuser had died, while in July 2020, prosecutors in Massachusetts dropped a case after the 18-year-old man who accused Spacey of groping him refused to testify.
He was dropped from Netflix’s House of Cards series and his scenes in Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World were hastily reshot with Christopher Plummer, who won an Oscar nomination for his work. Spacey denies all accusations of misconduct. Spacey has been little seen on either big or small screen since 2017 when more than 20 men alleged sexual misconduct by the actor when he was working at the Old Vic in London between 19. “I consider him a great actor and I can’t wait to start the movie.” The film will also feature Nero’s wife, Vanessa Redgrave, who will play the accused man’s piano teacher. “I’m very happy Kevin agreed to participate in my film,” Nero told ABC News.